Indigenous Resources & Education

Many of us in Canada are looking for ways to help Indigenous communities given the confirmation of atrocities committed by our country including the legacy of residential schools, missing and murdered Indigenous women and the lack of basic resources to Indigenous communities. There can be no more denying or disputing the facts about our history of colonization and the ongoing marginalization of the Indigenous population. Below are some ways that we can help, by donating to charities, causes and Indigenous communities locally and across Canada.


Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre – Indigenous Health and Wellness Program

 The program is focused on providing culturally specific Indigenous supports and access to healing ceremonies, health education with a focus on diabetes (prevention & education), case management supports, access to primary care and harm reduction supports, and social recreation activities to build social connections and support.

The Native Woman’s Association of Canada

This is a national Indigenous organization representing the political voice of Indigenous women, girls, and gender diverse people across the country. It exists as an aggregate of various Indigenous women’s organizations that have come together for a common goal.


This is a fantastic charity that invests in the education of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people for the long-term benefit of these individuals, their families and communities and Canada. It has been named a top 10 Canadian Impact Charity each of the past four years and continues to offer various programs in remote communities, rural areas and urban centres across Canada.

Legacy of Hope Foundation

A national Indigenous charitable organization with the mandate to educate and create awareness and understanding about the Residential School System, including the intergenerational impacts such as the removal of generations of Indigenous children from their families, including the Sixties Scoop, the post-traumatic stress disorders that many First Nations, Inuit, and Metis continue to experience. The LHF supports the ongoing healing process of Residential School Survivors, and their families and seeks their input on projects that honour them.

The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS)

The IRSSS is an organization out of British Columbia that provides essential services to residential school survivors, their families, and those dealing with Intergenerational traumas.

Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction

Toronto Indigenous Harm Reduction (TIHR) emerged in April 2020 during the first wave of the COVID19 pandemic in response to a massive shutdown of frontline services and a lack of basic needs for Indigenous homeless in the city of Toronto. TIHR aims to reduce the negative impacts of substance use and other stigmatized behaviours and experiences through culture and unconditional support.

The Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund

This fund continues Gord Downie’s commitment to improving the lives of First Peoples in Canada. The fund works to build awareness, and education on the true history of Indigenous people in Canada, the history of Residential Schools, and encourages reconciliation through events and programming.

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto

For over 50 years, the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto has been a leader in the building of a healthy and vibrant urban Indigenous community in Toronto. Serving over 2,000 clients a year, they work tirelessly to provide culturally centred services and programs to increase the economic, social, cultural and health outcomes of our people.

Resources & Education

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation 

The NCTR derives its mandate from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action and from the agreements under which the Centre was established and the records of Residential School Survivors first entrusted to its care.

Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres

The Friendship Centre vision is to improve the quality of life for Indigenous people living in an urban environment by supporting self-determined activities which encourage equal access to and participation in Canadian society and which respect Indigenous cultural distinctiveness.


Telling Our Twisted Stories – CBC Podcast

Indigenous histories have been twisted by centuries of colonization. Words hurt us. Host Kaniehti:io Horn brings us together to decolonize our minds– one word, one concept, one story at a time.

A 24/7 National Indian Residential School Crisis Line has also been organized at 1-866-925-4419 for those who need support dealing with these recent events.