Our Founder on Finding Your Personal Style (with 10 Tips to Help!)

Our founder on how to find your unique personal style - Made You Look Jewellery Store Toronto


One's "personal style" should be exactly that, it should be personal.  In our young lives, it seems imperative to "fit in" and do things just like our friends do them. This is where we suppress our personal likes and dislikes, and instead, we go with the majority and dress, walk, and talk just like everyone else.

Over time, differentiation becomes more important. This is how we develop the true sense of ourselves as different from others. Once this is established, we are less affected by trends and big media marketing, and instead become content with ourselves and our own unique preferences. When you get dressed in the morning and your clothing feels good on your body, that is a sign that your personal style is working for you.  Same with Jewellery. When it feels good, that's when you know you are making style choices from the right place.


“This is how we develop the true sense of ourselves as different from others. Once this is established, we are less affected by trends and instead become content with ourselves and our unique preferences.”


My Personal Style Journey

I have experimented with my style quite a lot over the years.  My high school years were during the height of the grunge era.  All of us were wearing ripped army pants, band-T's, flannel button-down plaid shirts, and 8-hole Doc Martens.  Although as a cohort we were all dressing the same, we were differentiating against mainstream corporate greed, big business, and all those trappings.  We were unified in our rebellion.  That eventually led to me letting my curly locks turn to dreadlocks and I used my look to convey that society's prescription was not for me. All of the standard ideas that society has about beauty, were so limiting and exclusionary.  I was deeply compelled to explore the definition of beauty on my own terms.

I have experimented a lot with both my clothing style and my hair.  Eventually, I cut my dreads and shaved my head bald.  Having no hair was one of the most freeing experiences of my life.  It was fascinating to see how differently I was treated, judged one way for having dreads, judged another way for being bald.  All a reflection of people's fears and personal limitations. It made me less and less inclined to judge anyone by their cover. We are so much more than our appearance. Having a good relationship with yourself and taking care of yourself on the inside is the best way to have an attractive personal style.


“Having a good relationship with yourself and taking care of yourself on the inside is the best way to have an attractive personal style.”


Built to Inspire YOUR Personal Style and Creativity

Our shop offers a wide range of designs and styles to emphasize how unique we all can be.  The "YOU" in our logo is meant to highlight each of our unique needs and preferences. Turns out our customers love being in an environment that speaks to their inner calling to be attracted to things they may have never seen before. It is character-building on a subconscious level.  This is why people feel uplifted and inspired having visited our shop. It is the exact opposite of how you feel when you are in a mall - drained and bored.


10 Tips on How to Find Your Personal Style

1 - Listen to Yourself - Not Others

    ​​When it comes to personal style, the most important voice to listen to is your own. While it's tempting to mimic trends or friends, doing so often distances you from your true self. Trust your instincts, and let your wardrobe reflect what feels right for you. After all, the more you copy others, the further you drift from discovering your authentic style.

    2 - It Never Hurts to Try

      Experimentation is key when finding your personal style. Try on as many different styles and pieces as you like, especially those outside your comfort zone. Pay attention to how each item makes you feel. If it doesn’t feel like a 10 out of 10, it’s not for you. Your style should excite you, so only invest in pieces that make you feel your best!

      3 - Consider Proportions

        Proportions play a huge role in how some clothing and jewellery can or can’t flatter your body. Experiment with different combinations to see what works best for you. Whether it's balancing a loose top with fitted bottoms or rocking a statement earring with an understated outfit, understanding proportions can enhance your look. The goal is to create harmony, so don’t be afraid to play around with different combinations!

        4 - Blend the Old with the New

          Mixing new, vibrant pieces with cherished family heirlooms creates a style that's uniquely yours. The fresh energy of new items combined with the sentimental value of vintage or inherited pieces adds depth to your wardrobe. This eclectic blend can tell a story, giving your look a personal and rich character that’s impossible to replicate. 

          5 - Feel the Difference Between Handmade and Mass-Produced

            There's something special about wearing a handmade piece compared to mass-produced items from the mall. The craftsmanship, attention to detail, and unique energy of handmade pieces elevate not only the quality but also how they make you feel. When you wear something made with care, it looks and FEELS different.

            6 - Find Pieces That Feel Like a Part of You

              The right pieces should feel like an extension of yourself, not something you're constantly second-guessing. Pay attention to which pieces feel effortless and natural, as if they’re a part of your body. These are the pieces that align with your personal style. When something feels right, you’ll know, it just works!

              7 - Be Loose and Playful

                Style is meant to be fun, so don’t be afraid to experiment! Approach your wardrobe with a sense of curiosity and playfulness. Mix colors, patterns, and textures that you wouldn’t normally combine, and see where it takes you. The more you loosen up and try new things, the closer you'll get to discovering what truly resonates with your personal style. Let your creativity lead the way!

                8 - Shop for Jewellery Together

                  This one’s a bit specific, but over the years I’ve helped countless folks trying to find a gift for their significant other with no idea where to start. Shopping for jewellery with your partner can be a fun way to help both of you understand your style preferences. Instead of leaving them to guess, you can both discover what pieces truly resonate with you. It’s a chance to strengthen your style identity while sharing your journey with someone close. That way, both you and your partner gain a better understanding of what feels authentically "you."

                  9 - Bigger And More Expensive Is Not Better. Period.

                    When it comes to personal style, bigger or pricier doesn’t always mean better. True style isn’t about labels or flashy pieces—it’s about what makes you feel good. Sometimes, the simplest, most affordable items can be the most impactful.

                    10 - Your Family May Have Thoughts. Question Everything They Say.

                      While family may have their own thoughts and ideas about jewellery and style, remember that their preferences might not align with yours. Your style is deeply personal, and what works for them may not work for you. Trust your own instincts and choose pieces that feel right for YOU!


                      Sarah Dougall is the Owner and Founder of Made You Look Jewellery and the creative genius behind Heart Market, her new business venture specializing in curated thrift finds that are fun and high-vibe! Follow her @heartmarketsale on Instagram to get notified about upcoming popups and events!

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